Graviera Cretan P.D.O. 12 months aged, Wheel

The 12-month Aged Graviera Kalogerakis, after its ripening, consists the best accompaniment for the most sophisticated palates.


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It is considered to be one of the most popular kinds of cheese in Greece and it has a prominent place in the preferences throughout the world. It’s a symbol of the Cretan Diet as it has had a great manufacture history on the island for centuries.

Kalogerakis Cretan Graviera is famous for its excellent quality, its traditional preparation process based on sheep/goat milk, its pure ingredients and its uniquely pleasant taste. It matures for at least 3 months.

Texture and Color: It is characterized as a very light yellow-colored table cheese with asymmetric holes

Taste: particularly pleasant, sweetish and slightly brackish with a rich fresh milk aroma. It creates a sense of well-being and wholeness to those who taste it.

Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg





2kg approx.